
Explore the Lincolnshire Wolds Cycle Route

Lincolnshire is a web of almost deserted lanes between dykes and deep hedges stretch from the coastal flatlands to the rolling wolds through quiet towns and villages, past abbeys, castles, stately homes and century old farms and some of the oldest churches in Britain.

More recent developments have also played their part in making this area so suitable for stress free riding. Canal side cycleways and reclaimed railway paths are the perfect traffic and hill free arteries to join farm shops, old inns, bakeries and tea rooms eager to treat you to delicious fresh local produce. 

  • Distance: 180 km (112 miles)

  • Total Climbing: 1,312m
  • Terrain: Country Roads

  • Starting point: Louth

  • Finish point: Louth or Little Cawthorpe

  • Difficulty Rating: ***  (click here for more details)

Map Key


Claythorpe Watermill

Regarded as one of Lincolnshire’s loveliest surprises, this 18th century mill is set in 2.5 acres of tranquil and beautiful surroundings, allowing you to learn about its history whilst taking in rich wildlife and riverside views.

Alford Manor House

Reputedly the largest thatched manor house in the country and a perfect blend of Georgian and Victorian design. Visitors can also explore the Hackett Barn Museum, housing over 300 years of history, as well as the tea rooms and gardens.

Red Hill Nature Reserve

Named after the red chalk escarpment it sits on, Red Hill comprises four acres of the best chalk down land meadows and grassland in Lincolnshire, housing a wide variety of flora and fauna.

Parish Church of St James

Situated in Louth, this place of worship dates back to the 12th century and features the tallest medieval parish church spire in England, standing at 293 feet (89m).

Belmont Tower

This transmitting station stands 351m tall, and before it was shortened in 2010, it was the highest structure of its kind in the entire world. Its mast can still be seen from all over Lincolnshire.

Suggested Itinerary

Set in the heart of the Lincolnshire Wolds, the beautiful Georgian market town of Louth is the base for this collection of daily looped rides which will allow you to explore this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in all its glory. 

You’ll head east to the coast on day one following a canal path to Ticklepenny Lock and past a watermill and windfarm as you wind your way to Saltfleet, where you can gaze out over far-reaching sand dunes and enjoy bracing coastal views before returning to Louth on quiet country lanes.

Day two takes you to the southern edge of the Wolds, through a procession of quaint hamlets and villages, and the 3,00-acre South Ormsby Estate. Day three heads west through the beautiful Hubbard’s Hills and Red Hill Nature Reserve, and allows you to experience some of the most fertile arable countryside in England whilst taking in views of the soaring Belmont Tower.

Finally, day four sees you head over to neighbouring Little Cawthorpe and begin a south-easterly loop which visits Claythorpe Watermill and the market town of Alford, home to Alford Manor. You’ll then enjoy more stunning views over the Wolds and coast as you head back to Little Cawthorpe to conclude a charming, exhilarating and unforgettable experience.

Book This Holiday

If you'd like to book this ride as a package holiday, the following tour operators currently offer this trip. Click the links below to find an option which best suits your needs.

Lincolnshire | Lincolnshire Wolds Cycle Route

Lincolnshire Wolds
42km - 51km per day
Ebike hire only
5 nights 6 days
Transfers from Hull P&O Ferry Port & regional airports
Accommodation: Hotel & Self Catering
480 p.p.