
Our Holiday Grading Guide

* ~ Easy

If you're looking to cycle approximately 15-30km per day, then this is the route for you. They are generally flat with some gentle hills. Cycling experience is necessary but these routes are very leisurely and will give you plenty of time to stop off and explore the attractions along the way.

** ~ Gentle

For those looking for a relaxed cycling break with distances covering no more than 20-45km per day. These routes are mainly flat with only the occasional hill. Cycling experience is necessary but generally these routes will be comfortable and give you time to stop off, discover local attractions and still make it to your end location at an easy pace.

*** ~ Moderate

For our moderate routes, the daily distances are a bit further, between 30-60km per day. They are for leisure cyclists that have a good level of physical fitness and can cope with the occasional challenging hill. Remember, you can do each route at your own pace and the additional option of electric bikes can make a huge difference and make these routes far easier.

**** ~ Sporty

Sporty routes are for those who cycle frequently. These will typically include longer days in the saddle of between 50-80km per day. You are likely to experience some steep hills along the route and so we recommend only taking them on if you cycle regularly at home and have a good level of fitness. Once again, hiring an electric bike to do these rides can make the route much easier, and we recommend doing so if you are not confident doing challenging hill climbs.

***** ~ Challenging

These holidays are ideal for keen cyclists who ride regularly, have a good level of fitness, and are used to doing long daily distances and hard climbs. Typically, these holidays will be 70+km per day and are suited to those who love a personal challenge.